Heal Trauma

Fuel spent on survival leaves you running on empty.

Just because the event is over, doesn’t mean that your body feels safe enough to stick your neck out and really live.

Just because the horrible situation is over, doesn’t mean that you automatically see yourself as worthy and deserving.

After overwhelming and unexpected events, it’s not uncommon for the body and mind to shift into an elevated state of safety seeking.

Tension in the body and hyper-awareness in the mind can help create safety in the short-term. In the long term- they exhaust you and leave you feeling raw when by all accounts you should be feeling safe.

Does the past really matter?

“I know some of the stuff from my past probably impacted me in some way, but I don’t want to have to go back and re-live all of that.”

I don’t want you to go back and re-live it all either. That would be useful for exactly no one.

The past is only relevant in our work when it interferes the present. When your body and brain are overcome with the feelings of the past and clouding your evaluation of the present moment you are suffering – unnecessarily.

How do you even heal from the past?

There are some key pieces to allowing the past to be the past, the present to be the present, and the future to be wide open to the possibility of what you want to create.

In all of my work with my clients, we weave these critical components into everything we do because your healing will be more effective if we do.

Create safety in being present body and mind: The brain won’t learn anything new if the nervous system doesn’t say it’s safe enough to do so. I will help you learn how to calm your body and mind enough to start feeling safe in your own space- whenever you want to.

Disconnect from messages and sensations that were only relevant in the past, not in the present: Breaking cycles of behavior and loops of unhelpful thought can seem impossible. It’s not, especially because we have some very effective tools at our disposal that are designed to free you- body and mind- from the unhelpful messages and feelings of the past.

I’m trained in EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)- one of the first modes of trauma treatment that actually had noticeable results. I use EMDR with my clients to jumpstart the emotional work when it feels like things are stuck and there is no way around.

EMDR can help your body and brain reorient to the present moment, firmly feeling that the past is the past and instead of pain lurking there, there are lessons learned, experiences gained, and a definitely feeling that you aren’t doomed to repeat what you fear the most.

I’ve helped many clients with EMDR to fundamentally change the way they think, feel, and see themselves by unhooking from the messages and feelings of the past that no longer serve them.

Infuse your new perspectives and understanding into how you see your current world: What good is resolving the past if it doesn’t change the way to see the present and future? The things that happened in childhood but shouldn’t have – or the things that should have happened but didn’t can leave you feeling small your whole life.

I work on healing trauma with my clients because it helps them to feel like a grown-up, body and mind. Emotional grown-ups feel positive about the future because they know they have the power to change what doesn’t work for them and the ability to build the life and relationships they want.

Don’t keep suffering from the past if you don’t have to.